Sunday, September 27, 2009

All in Moderation

Taking the recycling out with the trash,
Since they are received by two different, although adjacent, bins,
They are taken out in the same trip;

So, with a bag in the left and another in the right,
climb down the steps to the garage where the cans are kept;

Thinking sometimes I mix them up,
Because too often the things intended to be disposed of, return,
And, the things I meant to revisit, discarded;

So, with both free hands now idle,
climb up the steps to the place above where the original mistake is made;

Keep 'em Cummings

Wanted to post this, obviously, this brilliant piece is not mine . . . although, in some sense, I have claimed it, since I find that it and my heart are speaking the same language. RIP Rita.

Lost in prose.

i carry your heart with me

I carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

ee cummings

eternal return

In a maze of tangential truths,
a thought exposed continuum
And all these paths,
they bring me back to you;

Romanticize through your memories,
the still-prints of our history,
forgotten are the 'negatives'
of the in between;

And, I am hopeless,
And, I am faithless.

'Cause, I would rather be blind
than shed the denial from my eyes
and wait and watch
until you fade in the periphery;

And, I would rather live a thousand lies
than have to face this truth's demise
and be without you for the rest of my life;

It's through the luxury of history,
that we prison our reality,
Letting a contrition of faith,
define our state;

In a matrimony of moments,
Is born our conception of time,
As you slip from our awareness,
Into the margins of the Single Mind.

And, I am hopeless,
And, I am faithless.

And, I would rather be blind
than shed the denial from my eyes
and wait and watch
until you fade in the periphery;

And, I would rather live a thousand lies
than have to face this truth's demise
and be without you for the rest of my life;

From the patterns between you and me,
let's project a new transparency
Onto the wall
of our possibility;

We could make nil our mistakes
Let forgiveness abstract away
the beauty of intention,
from the quality of what was made;

And I am hopeless,
And I faithless.

And, I would rather be blind
than shed the denial from my eyes
and wait and watch
until you fade in the periphery;

And I would rather live a thousand lies
than have to face this truth's demise
and be without you for the rest of my life;

Good Mourning

Until this moment,
I haven't written a word down,
scared to articulate my pain.
Somehow, writing of the event
cements its permanence,
like I am taking some metaphysical account of the members of the world,
and you now,
by my pen,
are admittedly
Not here.

And, in this account,
I must divorce myself from guilt perceptions
and the continual replays of you and I in my mind.
But, even in modest objectivity-
The news: presented pictures
that I have since projected
onto my movie screen of memory:
you: hanging.
A single light illuminating-
something not unlike film noir,
so said your sister upon finding you.
The consequential effect,
your pain's undoing-
my sweetest girl,
the most muted human shade of blue.

You: the girl that was on the phone with me,
minutes prior, crying.
Crying out,
Talked over.
You: the woman who I told was "facing death"--
accurate or encouraging?

How much power did you burden me with?
How much power you did burden me with.

Day Dreams

Day dreams are those ideas that seem to be some sort of synthesis between what we will and what we dare not admit. Being that they are intangible in all respects, Day dreams are the unmasking of circumstance, the dethroning of longing, the protest of hope.

What can come of ideas that seek to negate and derail? To overwhelm and prevail still, despite repeated reprimands from the understudies to the roles in the life we should have partaken of.

Day dreams are the stories of opportunities lost, when choices were made without concern for the peripheral. Manipulated outcomes driven through tunnel visioned motives. How did this come to pass even, you asked. By denying access. By shutting down. By instilling fear through my having none. By letting go too easily. By my forgetting to think of whatever it was I needed, in order to see beyond the horizon of permanence that was upon me. For a time, I lost myself. And, I have now opened up only this moment to the life that will ensue. The life that will take place and pass too quickly. The weight of time, lifted. The gravity, unbearable. The silence to come, deafening.

Day dreams are those reminders of all those experiences you wanted that didn't come to pass. The shadows on doors we closed of selves we were too long ago. The knocks on windows late at night by children we could've been together. The late night regrets from dreams we ought not have and dare not share. Not to them. Not to each other. And eventually, like all things beautiful, the anticipation of reconciliation will soon become realized to be irreconcilable.

Day dreams are pain transferred from the unconscious and projected onto to the screen of the movie starring you and not me.

Dreaming in Technicolor

Waking dreams. Ambitions. With hope externalized onto the canvas of what is current, we commit ourselves to their actualization through their verbal expression. All the while, our esteem and self-doubt boldly state their rebuttal. Riding on follow through and chance and perceived ability. Through waking dreams, we challenge what is with what could be.

Night dreams. Interpreted. Internally scrawled messages in the margins of thoughts. We dance around in details and subtle suggestions of possibilities. And, the modal consequences bearing no weight. Weightless. Regretless. Limitless. Choices are endless and behavior no boundaries. Pure Id. Through night dreams, we create and play within our own alternate reality, apart from what is; apart from what could be.

And, what of Day dreams?