Monday, July 26, 2010

I miss you both.
My Sweets.
Under the guise of circumstance be:
One Dead
Other, heads.
Like a toddler's attempt at tag,
you chase at me.

So straight to the grave-
deep grievance in my heart-
Reside- Sweet.
Love still, it beats-
and sweats in,
Near exhaustion,
From the effort and the heat
ever emanating from the fire beneath.
Both, left from me,
Beyond- from you choice after choice
and feat after feat.
Let down, it pours on me.
Let down, it comes,
Dead in defeat.
And, still yet,
I reach.


Remedy me my gray skies
Vacuum out the dusted dreams
Left behind.
Your channel is set
to my TV station
where white hope and dark visions collide
along a landscape
We both ascribe.
More than or nothing less than
Your Demise?
Oh, heaven sent demon
Oh, godly love-
all but you have been romanticized, but yet
How simply
divinity is held close
beyond reason.
Raped of permanence
but still not forgotten- in some purgatory
of Sentence.
Banish me somewhere
Some other place where less is understood.
Not someplace to sneak between
but yet relish in
the Exposed place.
Apology accepted.
Demeaned meaning,
to some other, lesser place
the Pomp and Circumstance of it all
can peacefully reside in;
My love, loved and yet
still loves.
She demands nothing less, but all the more-
he Scores.
Note by note, he, perhaps,
as my orchestra and your Sweet Orator,
was written for us both.
Oh, my love is My Love.
I demean your interference
into those sacred spaces
held in Other's places.
But, tonight.
Grieve mercilessly.

Come find me.
I am somewhere, lost in and
underneath the shallows and
the fine space between
Pomp and Circumstance.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's Mine, too.

Big day today, not the huge 30, though, so I am in the clear for a while longer.

Last night was a tough one, but have arrived at some peace in the way of that. Two years ago yesterday marks the passing of a dear friend and it has been a trial of acceptance. Love to her and her dear family. I know we have all been at different points on the same road and I look forward to the time when we all reach our space of peace again.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Two years, tomorrow.

Two years, tomorrow,
Uninvited, but in full-knowing,
The day approaches.

And, in my arms I nurse the alternate ending:
Act Two: Scene One:
You live.

All that I would share,
Regretfully, too much time since passed,
Much has transpired.

And, in my mind I believe somehow you achieved.
The End: (no Epilogue found.)

Two years, tomorrow.
Unfortunate. Never able to
Make it up to you.

If There Was No You

Another great song. I guess there are like these musical themes to my weeks. I am trying to write more, but I have a chorus of another variety filling the room and I need to attend to that before trying to sort out my own thinking.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Some Birthday

The present was presented.
All tissue-wrapped
bow-tied mystery;

Packing-tape sealed perfection.
Butter-knife sliced
sugar-box complete;

No greater feign forgetting.
Pink champagne haze
Reminded, I fell;