Monday, February 15, 2010

Recent Interview

Recent Interview:

Q. When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.

A. I was trying to get pregnant, so I took a pregnancy test over the counter on the first day my period was due. After getting a positive result, I contacted my OBGYN and made an appointment to confirm the pregnancy with a blood test and ultrasound.
Q. Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.

A. I felt positive about the pregnancy but was nervous because I already have a little boy at home. I was anticipating being ill all the time and knew that would make things extra difficult.

Q. Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?

A. It didn't change my identity as so much as "add" on an additional one. I now wear many hats. Mother is one I tend to wear often. There is also 'wife', 'daughter', and just 'me'- the individual I grew into, but exists sort of aside from all these other roles. I feel both positive and resentful of all the responsibilities that come with the many hats I have to carry at once.

Q. Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.

A. I didn't take my son out as much for the first four months. I was very sick and was always having to pull off the road and get sick in the gutter, literally. So, that put a damper on play-dates.

Q. Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.

A. It was very exciting to have to learn how to cope with life on life's terms, sans the coping mechanisms one grows used to employing while living life as an 'individual'. Enough on that note.

Q. Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.

A. Read above.

Q. Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).

A. I attended all the prenatal care offered through my OBGYN office. In addition, I prepared for labor by reading books on visualization, home birthing, natural labor, etc. I did not attend any birthing classes, since this is my second child. Following the birth, I frequented a local lactation consultant's breast feeding clinic weekly for three weeks.

Q. If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?

A. I prepared my son by letting him play with another play doll baby (a glow worm) with whom we practiced allowing the 'baby' to nurse and take turns with diaper changes. This was very effective in preparing him for what was coming.

Q. Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?

A. A childhood friend who has two children now. She has been instrumental in my child-rearing, although she may be completely unaware. She was very influential in my positive parenting approach and in practicing an attachment parenting model (baby wearing, loooooong term breast feeding, bed sharing, etc.)

Q. How has your baby grown since he/she was born within a year ago?

A. Nicely. She is a little tank. And, she nurses like a champ. She is developmentally on target and that's comforting. Great sleeper, great disposition. I couldn't be more at ease.

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